Cha!shua Tree Part Duex

Tarf here! Coming at you with a Round Two of the wonderous world of Joshua Tree National Park. Cha! Here you’ll find Black and White images like it’s the 1950’s. Enjoy Goonbags. Cha!




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The G is silent but I’m not. Cha!

Joshua Tree

Rock-a-bye baby Goonbags! Tarf here, with another outage in the outrageous National Park named after a tree named Joshua, or as I like to call them, Chashua Trees. Cha! I think I took a wrong turn a long time ago and ended up further away from the ocean and deeper into the desert. Put your peepers on these images, some old school and some real life Technicolor dream coat status. Anyways, enjoy these frothy images that were taken with my Camelbak compadre, the Que Oh Juan (Pentax K-01, Lens SMC DA 1:2.8 40mm XS).

The above images remind me of that one movie where Charlton Heston was trapped on a planet controlled by apes, you know the one.

I think for there I am. And I think not for there I am not. And I’m not a knot so there for is the wood. And wood is good in the hood. Cha!

It’s time to rock and roll.


I bet the Tusken Raiders could surf those tasty waves.

Looking out from the mine.

It’s not mine, I swear. Mine? Or is it the Enemy’s Mine? Cha!


We could all dig a little deeper, look inside ourselves and discover or rediscover those precious materials that make us, us. Dig deep my friends, dig deep.

Tarf Gnams here, the G is silent, but I’m not.




Pentax K-01 Highlights

Rock-a-dooble-doo goonbags, Tarf here coming atcha with a 6 year late highlighting spotlight on the Pentax K-01, what I call the Que Oh Juan. Cha! This little meaty beast of a cheese taker was designed by the Aussie Marc Newson, he would probably tell you Bells was bigger than Waimea but that’s neither here nor there. What is here is a nice little piece of discontinued technology that is light on the eyes and sweet on the old noggin when it comes to the outer controls, menu and ergonomics. I think, therefore I am, the Que Oh Juan is great as an entry-level DSLR for any photo kook out there that doesn’t want to go back to the valley. It’s also ready to rip it and grip it should you decide to go advance your knowledge, room to grow goonbags, room to grow.

I bought this cheese taker for my betty when it first came out but you can now find it on Amazon  hovering around the two hundy hund mark. Tarf ain’t no tech lingo gringo so you’ll have to peek elsewhere for the specs and knowledge. But I wanted to share some photos I took of my little grom and gromette, and my betty of course while enjoying the rays and waves. Enjoy!

“I see you Jake Sulley.”
Low light but still tons of deets (detail).
Spoots Tootsin
Fall out.

Tarf here. Thanks for hanging. The G is silent but I’m not.

Tarf Gnams versus Go Pro

Tarf here! It’s a beautiful day and the local amigos over at Go Pro hooked me up with a nice little HERO Session Go Pro. I’ll take it as a compliment, as yours truly, that’s me Tarf Gnams in case you aren’t following, offers little sessions of his favorite HERO, that’s right it’s me again Tarf Gnams. Cha! It’s all about rising above and getting over that hurdle. Getting out to vibe on a sweet section. Cha, cha, checking out beautiful Mother Nature and all she has to offer.

This little HERO Sesh is a little pocket of dynamite and wonder. If I wasn’t already the 9th Wander of the World, this little dude certainly would be.  The housing is durable and sturdy. Simple and easy to use button. Reminds me of my girl. Cha! Totes, I kid. She’s a sweetheart. I love you Honey Boo Bear! But on the breakfast cereal, the GoPro HERO Session is great. We’re still getting acquainted but I can see a long relationship forming. And to think I was afraid of commitment. Cha Ha!f

To get the most benis (benefits) out of this little pocket wonder you can download three apps to your phone; GoPro Capture, GoPro Quik and GoPro Splice.

  • Capture: Allows you to start and stop recording or choose picture options. You can also view media and complete some mild video editing.
  • Quik: Gives you the option to upload short videos from compiled images.
  • Splice: Allows you to get more creative with your images and videos to create some pretty epic moments.

I’m just getting started but it is fun. Cha! Even though I love this portable video capturing boulder it’s not without its faults. The Wi-Fi signal on it is a bit weak-sauce which can cause some delay in creating your videos. Your phone needs to be connected to the Sessions Wi-Fi. And if you don’t save the video to your phone it takes forever and a day to upload the video to any social media site. But alas, this is only a minor setback.

The GoPro HERO Session does offer a little slot for a mini SD card. This is your best bet to store your sweet moments to upload to social media later.

The images and video captured are beautiful, it’s like I’m out in it. The mic is like rock concert quality. it picks up everything from a gnat fart to me shredding the gnar! Cha!

Tarf again. My videos wouldn’t be possible without the help of the GoPro Accessories kit provided by my fellow lifers over at Lifelimit. The amount of swag you get for throwing a quarter ($25) down is great but unfortunately it isn’t as great as it looks. The handlebar mount swivel didn’t hold. That screw was all the way and on the verge of calling in sick on Monday. Seriously!. For still shots it works great but one little bump and Humpty Dumpty fell over again. This meant I had to place the mount on the stem and the video is obscured with my handlebar. No bueno! Hopefully I can figure another set up out. The screw wouldn’t thread easily either. You might be better off with spending the extra dough and purchasing Official GoPro accessories. Lifelimit did have some standouts with the Selfie Stick, chest mount and any mount that didn’t have a swivel or moving part. More to come though. Cha!

Check the video below to see a little Do Wop Sections and some down hill on a fire road. The image is great and the sound of my voice soothes the soles of orphans. Cha! Check it! Tarf Gnams, the G is silent but I’m not.

Tarf Gnams: The Fall and Rise of

Sup fellow bros and  dudettes! Let’s take a little galimandar down memory lane with a previous entry from yours truly, Tarf Gnams.

Tarf here. You might be wondering what kind of name is TARF. I would too if i were you but I’m not so I’m not. Cha! Anyways, I’d tell you but you would totally be jealous. Cha! again. Anyways I forgot my real name so I made it up. It means Totally Awesome Radical Froth. There you have it. Secret’s out. Shh, don’t tell anyone. I’m on a journey for water. For froth. For the ultimate rush. The Bodhizaffa is my hero but not his illegal stuff. I just love to shred the gnar. I’m on an epic journey to find the ocean but I’m trapped in the desert. So when I need that adrenaline rush I ride.  It’s been a year since I’ve gone on a ride on my hard tail mountain bike. I like to climb but climbing doesn’t like me, especially after a year. 

So I’m out there on this 9.5% single track just zoning out. Sun in beating down on me. Sweat is dripping off my snout. A little Wicked Blue buzzes by. Then I see this gnarly Tang Tang flying right at me. I scream like that beaver is that video clip. And then I realized I’ve made it, I’ve reached the summit after a 3 mile climb. Now here’s where TARF kicks in. Shift up the gears and buckle down. If you’re behind me you’re getting a sweet glut shot. Take a picture it lasts longer. I barrel down this fire road, wind in my face and bugs in my teeth. It doesn’t get much better than that. Actually it does but I can’t talk about that here. Cha! I’m so hot, my legs are blown and I’m going to hurl. But I don’t. Instead I see a little Foofers hop on by. I smile. It’s good to be out. This next section is pretty fun, back to back ravine drops. I fly through them but on the last one I get spooked by a Tattler in a bush about 5 yards away. Keep your eyes peeled when you’re out there riding guys. 

I brought enough water for 18 miles of dirt and asphalt. I got to gaze upon a Lake. It isn’t like it used to be but it’s still nice from time to time. I make why back home with a clear head and a happy heart. It might not be my glorious ocean but there’s still a lot to see out there if you keep your eyes open. Besides everything I already mentioned I saw some Tures posted on a dead tree. And I saw a Hawk. 

Tarf Gnams is done. I’m out. The G is silent but I’m not.

Tarf’s Gnamimalia:

  • Wicked Blues = Wasps with Blue wings
  • Tang Tangs = Tarantula Wasps/Orange wings
  • Foofers = Cottontail
  • Tattlers = Rattlesnakes
  • Tures = Vultures
  • Hawk = Hawk

Tarf’s Vognambulary:

  • Galimandar: Gander, Meander and Salamander

The ReInventation of Tarf Gnams

Welcome! Welcome! Come one, come all but make sure you clean up your mess. Cha! Tarf here with the first ever inaugurious grand opening blog by yours truly, Tarf Gnams. I know, you might be asking yourself “Self, haven’t I seen a Tarf Gnams blog before?” And the answer my fine well read friends is yes, yes you have. But today is different. Today the sun shines upon my epic chin, the cup runneth over and doth pool on mine chin, in the name of Tarf. Today I post on Tarf’s very own Tarf Gnams blog. Cha!

It’s been duece tre sixty cinco since I rode the dirty girty on the constant. I was lost but now I am found, the world is my playground. Cha! So sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of epicnatic propostitutions.

In search of the most righteous of all waves, the Southern California Coast line, Tarf took a wrong turn at Kolkata and I ended up not in the most high, not the most rhy but in the most dry, the desert. No way! Way my compadre! Totes way! I cried the tears of a baby, I was lost. My precious love, Mother Ocean, was nowhere in sight. I could hear her heart beat, taste her salt on my lips. But I was traumasticized, would I ever lay my nocs on you again? Would I ever caress your glassy face? Would you ever barrel me with your salt tinged lips? I cried myself into to Z-Town.

Who’s to say if I was dreaming or if it was all a nightscare but the vision I had gave birth to hope. Grab your colonel corned and grab an afghan.

The sun was warm like lovers after a marathon sesh. Sweaty and sweet with the aroma of yesterday’s toothpaste. The cool wind of freezer left open brushed in off Mother Ocean. I was in heaven. Cha! The storm of a woman scorned crashed upon the sandy shores not three days ago. The swell was heaving, bodacious and killer. A decade tall, maybe taller. And Jack was under toe. 

I checked my shorts, perfect pube level. Strapped on the Fink and went to work. I haven’t stroked the ocean this hard since puberty. The waves were gnarly. Fifteen minutes of paddling finally got me passed the rinse cycle. I tried to relax and catch my breath but the Ocean had different plans. She loved me. She missed me. She wanted to kiss me. So I turned the Fink around, stroke the stroke and rode that glassy face hard. Cha! The wind in my hair, the salty lips of my lover kissing my cheeks both of them. (Haha! Winky face) Fifteen seconds of pure ecstantasy. 

The ride was over, time to skidaddle and paddle back out. So I did. And I sat and waited for the next set to roll in. And it was coming in. She was curvaceous. Just my type but all these kooks were hooting and hollering not to go. Whistle here. Whistle there. Back off dudes, she’s a lady that demands respect. And that’s when I noticed Mother Ocean glorious creation, the bahtolfins. An entire family riding the waves. 

I sat on the Fink speechless. It will never get better than this, being this close to bahtolfins and watching them surf. But it got better and it got better fast. SPLASH! A bahtolfins breached, the ocean gave birth, and it was spectorious. It jumped right over me, dove in and then swam under me. I swore I heard the bahtolfins use its bahtol to speak to me. I wasn’t quite sure what it said but that’s when I woke up. I was no longer afraid. I now had hope. 

Tarf again, I’m still here but this time I’m not dreaming. I have hope. Hope that one day I’ll find that ocean. I’ll surf those waves. And I’ll make fifteen second sweet fornication to my lover Mother Ocean. But in the meantime stick with me as I walk the desert lands, hike the mountains and ride the trails on my Occam. All in search of the righteous waves.

I’m a surfer, a loner, an all-around old soul but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like compadreship. So I Tarf Gnams and invitationing you along for the ride.

Tarf Gnams, the G is silent but I’m not.

Tarf’s Vognambulary:

  • Inaugurious: Inaugural + Glorious
  • Epicnatic: Epic + Enigmatic
  • Propostitutions: Proportions + Proposition + Prostitution
  • Traumasticized: Traumatic + Ostracized
  • Nocs: Binoculars or eyes
  • Sesh: Session
  • Ecstantasy: Ecstasy + Fantasy
  • Spectorious: Spectacular + Glorious
  • Reinventation: Reinvent + Invitation

Tarf’s Gnamimalia: 

  • Bahtolfins: Dolphins